Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Cooking on the camp fire

It is great to have families join us for the cookout on the beach. Brynleigh was amazed that we could cook sausages and toast marshmallows on a fire. This year we had to get a trailer load of wood from down the beach as there was none where we were setting up the fires.

Horses on the walk

We always stop for morning tea at a spot where the farm horses come down to see us. They are a favourite with everyone. this year they were spoilt with apples and carrots.


nick Moody from DOC came to the creek and caught some eels in the eel trap to show us. This was the first time for me as well. we were all really interested to look at how many eels there were and see them up close.

Trinity havin fun at the beach

Trinity didn't want to come on camp because she doesn't like the beach.

Tauranga Bay

Scenic photos

some of the amazing views

Camp at Carters Beach

we had an awesome time on camp. I got to use the I-pad for the first time and it takes beautiful photos that showcase the amazing scenery along the Cape Foulwind walkway. Fortunately it doesn't show some of the moaning as the kids told me it was the most they had ever walked. However that was forgotten when we got to Tauranga Bay and they were able to play in the stream and sand. 
It was great to see groups co-operating as they built a dam or dug holes. Some were happy to play on their own creating sculptures out of sand and wood.

Rain writing

In the classroom at South School
Where the children meet
There's a 
Kitten named Rain.
In the wire cage she
Plays with her fluffy toy
Until she falls asleep.

In the classroom at South School
Where the children meet
There's a
Bluey-grey eyed
Kitten named Rain.
In the wire cage she
Does the monkey bars
Climbs like kids on the playground
Hides in her towel
Until she falls asleep.

In the classroom at South School
Where the children meet
There's a
Kitten named Rain.
In the wire cage she
Does the monkey bars
Drinks her milk
Bites our fingers
Plays with her toy
Until she goes to sleep.

In the classroom at South School
Where the children meet
There's a
Kitten named Rain.
In the wire cage she
Plays with her furry toy
Curls up into a ball
And then she falls asleep.
The rest will be displayed on the wall.

Rain comes to school

This week Mrs Rodger has had to bring her kitten Rain to school and Room 11 have been kitten sitting. we have written about her using a poem about eels as the format. We had to think about words that described her(adjectives) and words that told us what she does (verbs). All the children have taken an interest but Sam has been fascinated by Rain. 

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Welcome to our blog

Yahoo! I have finally got my first post on my blog. I will put my photos on the next post that were taken on camp. Julie is going to show me how to download photos from a memory stick so they can be transferred to the blog. If you have any photos please can I have a disc of them.