Wednesday, 29 March 2017

Spaghetti Challenge

Today we did Challenge 6. The materials we used were spaghetti, styrofoam, and books. The aim was to test the strength of spaghetti. We had to stick the spaghetti in the styrofoam and then put books on top. 
We learnt that the short sticks were better than long sticks. At the end, we used the spaghetti to make abridge and we put blocks on it. Everybody started taking sticks out from under the blocks and all of them fell.

Today is the trickiest challenge of my life. Long sticks didn't work in challenge 6. at the start of the challenge we went outside. When it started to rain, we came inside.

Today we did challenge 6 and we used spaghetti and books and styrofoam. We balanced a book on the spaghetti to test the strength of it.

Today we did Challenge 6. It was fun until my buddy gave up on me. I got a gummy bear. It was tricky. Tom ditched me and I ditched him. Short sticks were better than longer sticks. I will get revenge on Tom.

Today it was Challenge 6.It was tricky. Aydan got stressed out. I made one. I put short sticks on. I put 6 books on.

Monday, 27 March 2017

Amazing writing

Room 11are creating some amazing stories. I have awarded some Class Awards to a group of students. Teresa took their photo to celebrate on the blog.

Wednesday, 22 March 2017

Exploring 3-D Shapes

Today we were exploring 3-D shapes. The materials we used were marshmallows and toothpicks. D in 3-D means dimensional. the structures were cool. Ollie won the best structure and Zak won perfect 3-D shape. Some people had to modify our structures. Mrs Campey said, "Don't eat the marshmallows because the marshmallows are poisonous."
It was quiet and fun.

Today we were exploring 3-D shapes. I did some new shapes like a cube that turns into a diamond. It was amazing. we used toothpicks and we stuck it together with marshmallows. I thought Ollie's was like the letter R.
I looked at the interesting structures but I thought Ollie's was the winner. It is the best, interesting challenge we've ever done.
We're usually noisy but that was because it was a race but this was really quiet.

Mrs Campey is doing some fabulous work with the students in Room 11.

Saturday, 11 March 2017

Cup Stacking Challenge

Another challenge was to stack cups to make the tallest tower.

In the afternoon, there was a challenge outside. I don't know what it was. You will have to check with the students!

STEAM Challenges

Today at school we were learning about science. We used 2 objects. The 2 objects were a cube and an ice lock stick.
What we had to do was balance ice block sticks onto a cube until it collapsed. We had to use as many sticks as we can. We had to count the sticks to see who was the winner of the challenge. It was tricky to find the winner. We finally found it and that was Aydan.


Today we had to do a challenge. We had to use 1 cube on the base.
KieranToday we are science workers. It was fun and tricky. We had to be careful.

Today we did a challenge. We had two objects. We used sticks and cubes.

Today we are STEAM workers. It was fun and it was hard. I was clever. I was doing Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Maths.

Today we built a tower. We used cups and sticks.

Today we did a challenge. We could only use cubes and iceblock sticks. We had to stack the objects on top of one cube. It was really hard. Aydan's build had 115 pieces on it.

Today we were STEAM workers. It was impossible! We had to make them sturdy. It was fun but hard.

Today we were STEAM workers. STEAM means Science, Technology, Engineer, Art, Maths. We worked hard to build. We used 2 objects. The 2 objects were cube and iceblock sticks. The rule was to use only 1 cube at the bottom and to not count the cube. We had to follow the rule. We had to be careful and balance the towers. We had to think hard. We combined an idea with another idea. It kept on falling down. We were planning and thinking. The winner was Aydan because she had 115 objects. It was hard and it was fun.

Today we are STEAM workers. It was lots of fun and we used cubes and ice block sticks. We had to keep steady before it fell down.

Today I made weights in a challenge. I put a block on each side and sticks in the middle.

When Mrs Campey was here, we got to do a challenge with two things - iceblock sticks and cubes. One cube and we stack iceblock sticks on top of the cube. The winner was Aydan because I got 115 on the cube.

Today we were STEAM workers. We had a challenge. We had to balance a stick with a cube on the bottom. It was very hard.

Today we were STEAM workers. We had to try and use a cube and balance the sticks on the cube. I drew a picture of my design.

Today we did some STEAM working and we had to use cubes and ice block sticks. It was almost impossible because they kept on falling down! That was the trickiest part of it.

Marble Track Challenge

On Thursday morning the students had an interesting time planning and creating marble tracks out of straws. When they were finished, they got to play with them. At lunchtime, they were left outside and the other students took the opportunity to have a go.
I am told that Jessica's was the best!